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Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) clinical trials at UC Irvine

1 in progress, 0 open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Ulviprubart (ABC008) in Subjects with Inclusion Body Myositis

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    ABC008-IBM-202 is an open-label, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of long-term administration of ulviprubart (ABC008) in subjects with IBM who have completed either Study ABC008-IBM-101 or Study ABC008-IBM-201. Subjects may be enrolled in this study if they meet study eligibility criteria and: - Have completed the Part 2 (Multiple Ascending Dose [MAD]) End of-Treatment (EOT) Visit in Study ABC008-IBM-101; subjects who continued further on into Part 3 of the study (MAD Extension) prior to enrolling in this study are also eligible; OR - Have completed the Week 80 Follow-up Visit in Study ABC008-IBM-201.

    Irvine, California and other locations

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