Schizophrenia clinical trials at UC Irvine
1 research study open to eligible people
AMP SCZ® Observational Study: PREDICT-DPACC
open to eligible people ages 12-30
The Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ) is a large international collaboration to develop algorithms using a set of clinical and cognitive assessments, multi-modal biomarkers, and clinical endpoints that can be used to predict the trajectories and outcomes of individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis and to advance the testing of pharmacological interventions for CHR individuals in need. The goal is to accurately predict which individuals are likely to remit, experience an acute psychotic episode, or have intermediate outcomes that feature persistent attenuated psychotic and/or mood symptoms along with functional impairment. The prediction algorithms will have the potential to serve as early indicators of treatment efficacy in CHR persons. The AMP SCZ research program is made up of the Psychosis Risk Evaluation, Data Integration, and Computational Technologies - Data Processing, Analysis and Coordination Center (PREDICT-DPACC) and two clinical research networks, the Psychosis-Risk Outcomes Network (ProNET) and the Trajectories and Predictors in the Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Population: Prediction Scientific Global Consortium (PRESCIENT) networks. The two clinical research networks will recruit a large cohort of CHR young people aged 12-30 years (n=1,977) and healthy control (HC) participants (n=640) across 42 participating investigative sites from 13 countries. CHR participants will complete screening, baseline assessments and a battery of follow-up assessments across 18 - 24 months. HC participants will complete screening and baseline assessments and a subset (5 per site) will complete month 2, 12 and 24 visits.
Irvine, California and other locations
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