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Pancreatitis clinical trials at UC Irvine

1 in progress, 0 open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Auxora in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis and Accompanying SIRS

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    Approximately 216 patients with acute pancreatitis and accompanying SIRS will be randomized at approximately 30 sites. Patients will be randomly assigned to either Auxora at one of three dose levels or one of three placebo volumes to maintain the double-blind. Study drug infusions will occur every 24 hours for three consecutive days for a total of three infusions. Patients will remain hospitalized as per standard of care and once discharged will be asked to complete a daily meal diary and return for a Day 30 safety assessment. It is recommended that patients randomized in the study should not be discharged from the hospital until solid food is tolerated, abdominal pain has resolved or been adequately controlled, and there is no clinical evidence of infection necessitating continued hospitalization.

    Orange, California and other locations

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